User Guidelines

The Quick Notes App team works hard to provide you with a service that makes you happier and more productive. We strive to give you a great experience by offering essential apps, making sure that your data is protected and being fully transparent about our data handling practices. In return, we ask that you respect the Quick Notes App Service and other users, and follow these rules about what not to do when you’re using the Quick Notes App Service. Please remember that when you agreed to our Terms of Service (including these Guidelines), you agreed that you are responsible for any and all conduct and Content under your account.


You agree that when you use the Service:


You Won’t Use Quick Notes App to Do Things It’s Not Intended For.

Quick Notes App is designed and built around a core set of productivity-enhancing use cases. Things like note taking, web clipping, image capture, task management, collaboration and discussion, and sharing documents—the core activities that support the modern way we work together (otherwise known as “Intended Uses”). Quick Notes App is not designed for cloud backup, file synchronization, or file storage/archiving (“Unsupported Uses”). Examples of Unsupported Uses include storing a media library, automatically archiving emails or files, or maintaining large quantities of files for storage-only purposes. Using the Quick Notes App Service for these purposes may result in you and/or other users having a significantly degraded Quick Notes App experience. The quality of your Quick Notes App experience depends on using the Quick Notes App Service for its Intended Uses.

You Won’t Use Quick Notes App for Anything Illegal or Promote Illegal Activities.

So don’t do things like post instructions on how to assemble illegal devices; promote harm to any person, group of people (or animals, for that matter), or any governmental or legal entity; or stalk or harass anyone. This also means don’t violate laws or regulations applicable to you or the use of the Quick Notes App Service. You, and not Quick Notes App, are responsible for complying with any laws or regulations applicable to the data in your account.


You Won’t Violate Our Users’ Rights.

Don’t invade another’s privacy, and don’t use someone’s personal data for commercial purposes or in some other manner that violates their rights or applicable laws. This also means you shouldn’t upload, post or otherwise transmit any Content that you don’t have a right to transmit under any law or under contractual or fiduciary relationships (e.g., inside information, confidential information learned or disclosed as part of employment relationships or under nondisclosure agreements).

You Won’t Annoy or Scam Our Users.

Don’t upload, post or otherwise transmit any unsolicited or unauthorized advertising or promotional materials. So no spam, no pyramid schemes, and definitely no “I got kidnapped and need you to wire me $1,000” schemes. Don’t try to solicit users’ passwords or personal information. This also means no engaging in commercial activities within the Quick Notes App Service or on behalf of Quick Notes App without our prior approval (e.g., displaying a banner designed to profit you or any other business or organization or displaying banners for services that provide cash or cash-equivalent prizes to users in exchange for hyperlinks to their web sites). And don’t use the Quick Notes App Service as a forwarding means to another website.

You Won’t Send Unwanted Messages.

Quick Notes App’s Collaboration Features (those features that allow Quick Notes App users to share or collaborate on Content) are intended to enable you to interact and share with people you know and/or who are part of your organization. Do not send unsolicited messages to anyone who does not share this kind of connection with you. And when you want to send a message to someone who does not yet have an Quick Notes App account, never use Quick Notes App to send an email, SMS, or other type of message to that person unless you are certain that the recipient wants to receive this type of message from you.

You Won’t Violate IP Rights.

Don’t upload, post or transmit Content that infringes the copyright, trademark or other intellectual property or proprietary rights of another party. And don’t take any action that would be in violation of Quick Notes App's Trademark Brand Guidelines and Usage Requirements.

You Won’t Mess With Our Service.

Don’t ruin this for everyone. Don’t upload, promote or distribute software viruses or any other kind of computer code, files or programs that attempt to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment. Don’t interfere with our servers or networks connected to the Quick Notes App Service, or with the services and networks of the Service Providers whose services we use to help deliver the Quick Notes App Service. Don’t try to disguise the origin of any Content transmitted through the Quick Notes App Service. Unless Quick Notes App has given you its prior approval, don’t access or attempt to access the Quick Notes App Service by any means other than through the interface provided by Quick Notes App (including through the use of scripts, web crawlers or the like). And don’t use the Quick Notes App Service in a manner that could lead to the interruption of access to the Quick Notes App Service for others.

You Won’t Attempt to Copy or Resell Our Service.

Don’t try to reproduce the Quick Notes App Service or otherwise try to exploit any part of, use of or access to the Quick Notes App Service. Don’t advertise for sale or resell Quick Notes App Paid Services without Quick Notes App’s prior authorization.


You Won’t Pretend to Be Someone You’re Not.

Just be yourself. In particular, don’t pretend to work at or be affiliated with Quick Notes App if that’s not true.


You Won’t Exceed the Scope of Your Authorized Use.

Don’t access or use features that you don’t have a right to use; don’t mess around with other users’ Content if they haven’t given you permission to do so.


You Won’t Use Shared or Public Notebooks to Post Objectionable Content.

Don’t upload, publish or display Content that contains nudity, sexually graphic material or material that is otherwise deemed explicit by Quick Notes App; that Quick Notes App deems threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, libelous, obscene, invasive, hateful or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable; or that Quick Notes App determines conflicts with your obligations under applicable local law or these User Guidelines.


You Shouldn't Use Your Employer's Email Domain for Your Individual Account.

If you register an Individual Account with an email address that you may lose control of, or access to (for example, an email address provisioned by your employer, university or similar organization), you may be unable to receive email notifications from Quick Notes App which could result in losing access to your Quick Notes App account.


While we hope that all users of the Quick Notes App Service comply with these Guidelines, we must caution you that, notwithstanding these Guidelines and the requirements in our Terms of Service, you may be exposed to offensive, indecent or objectionable Content when using the Quick Notes App Service. We expect that you understand this and, accordingly, you use the Quick Notes App Service at your own risk.

If you encounter any of the prohibited uses listed above, or any other objectionable content, you may contact us at


Thanks for helping to make Quick Notes App a great experience for everyone!

In the event of a conflict, the English language version shall govern.


Quick Notes App